AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman

Dr. Shulman and the whole team at Innovation Dental in Vaughan feel that it is very important for dental treatment to be individualized to the patient's needs. We spend our first appointment with you getting to know you and finding out what exactly your needs are. This is why we have a very detailed new patient form and ask a lot of questions and discuss many aspects of your oral and medical health at our New Patient exam. One of the questions we may ask is if you have or have had any dermal fillers in your lips or cheeks, or around your nose. Please know that we are not trying to reveal any secrets or question your choices. There are very important medical reasons for that question. Canadians are embracing this noninvasive method of turning back the clock on youth. It is a highly sought-after procedure and very successful. Thus, as dentists, we are seeing more and more of our patients that have had this done or are planning on doing so in the near future.
Many dental procedures involve pulling or retracting the lips and cheeks for visual access to treatment sites as well as protection of the tissues from dental instruments. Most dermatologists or certified injectors will recommend delaying your dental appointment for at least 2 weeks after having dermal fillers placed to reduce the risk of moving the fillers from the site of injection. Of course, this is only for elective dental treatment. An emergency dental issue should not be delayed but be
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AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman | TAGS
back to school
dental checkup
dentist during covid-19
Dentist Woodbridge, Dentist Vaughan, Dentist Kleinburg, Dentist Brampton, Dentist Bolton, Woodbridge Dentist, Vaughan Dentist, Brampton Dentist, Kleinburg Dentist, Bolton Dentist, Woodbridge Dentistry, Vaughan Dentistry, Kleinburg Dentistry, Brampton Dent
woodbridge dentist

Back to School Dental Checkup. The New Normal.
In today's changing world, every experience may be a new one. Kids need to wear masks to school, half of the kids will not be returning to in-class learning, and school drop off and pick may be a staggering time approach. Back to school is often our busiest time at Innovation Dental as parents want to send their kids back with a healthy smile and a cavity-free checkup. For those children that have been visiting the dentist regularly, this back to school checkup may look a little different. Due to COVID, we are not using the waiting room, so patients need to check in by phone from their car. Children are then being asked to come in for their appointment without their parents, as we need to minimize the number of people in the office at one time. The Hygienist and Dentist will be dressed in some extra protective equipment, such as a face shield, double masks, hair cover and gown. Temperatures will be checked at the door and hands must be sanitized. Patients and all non-clinical staff will be wearing masks in common areas as well. Aerosol producing procedures such as polishing and use of the electric scalers are being limited at this time. For necessary aerosol producing treatments, we have NEW large suctions arms ( they look like elephant trunks) that sit close to the mouth and collect any off spray additionally to the regular suctions we have. You will see
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AUTHOR Dr. Shulman | TAGS
Dentist Woodbridge, Dentist Vaughan, Dentist Kleinburg, Dentist Brampton, Dentist Bolton, Woodbridge Dentist, Vaughan Dentist, Brampton Dentist, Kleinburg Dentist, Bolton Dentist, Woodbridge Dentistry, Vaughan Dentistry, Kleinburg Dentistry, Brampton Dent
wearing a mask

What do Dentists and Dental Professionals think about mask-wearing?
For as long as I can remember Dentists and Dental Hygienists have been wearing masks to work on patients. It is our normal. What is new for us is the type (or level) of masks we are now wearing. As well, we used to remove the mask after each patient and only wear a mask during the treatment, not in the office common area. With the new Covid-19 Pandemic currently going on now we wear a mask at all times while in the office and change the second layer of mask between patients. Some days we work a 12 hour day wearing a mask. We are getting used to this… it is what is. But the public seems to be having an issue with mask-wearing, even for a 20-minute shopping experience. Here are our 2 cents on this as it pertains to dentistry.
- Unless you have a LEGITIMATE health condition that prohibits you from wearing a mask for a 10 minute trip to Walmart or the one-minute walk to the dental chair from their car…Just wear it! It is the policy at Innovation Drive Dental in Woodbridge and everywhere else! Do your part, otherwise, stay home.
- Studies have shown that 50% of people brush their teeth better and more often since wearing a mask as it forces you to smell your own breath….ewe
- We have had less cosmetic dental emergencies since we reopened as patients state they can just “cover up their broken front tooth with their
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AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman | TAGS
Dentist Woodbridge, Dentist Vaughan, Dentist Kleinburg, Dentist Brampton, Dentist Bolton, Woodbridge Dentist, Vaughan Dentist, Brampton Dentist, Kleinburg Dentist, Bolton Dentist, Woodbridge Dentistry, Vaughan Dentistry, Kleinburg Dentistry, Brampton Dent

It may surprise you when you suddenly notice your child's adult teeth growing in behind the baby teeth. Furthermore, you would expect the baby teeth to fall out before the adult teeth come in. But in some, actually many children, this is not the case. In approximately 10% of children, the adult teeth can grow in behind the baby teeth giving the child two rows of teeth. At Innovation Drive Dental in Vaughan we often refer to this as "shark teeth". You can rest assured that this is not an EMERGENCY. In most cases, this does not require any treatment at all, and often we just let nature take its course.
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AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman

To all Our Valued Patients
We are finally reopening, and we can’t wait to see all of you. We are now allowed to resume all services. This means that Dentists can slowly begin seeing more patients for more types of treatment again. While this is Good news, it doesn’t mean it is back to business as usual. There is still a pandemic happening and we are taking extra precautions to ensure everyone’s protection. This takes time. When you come in you will see many changes that we have made in the office. For the next little while, the reception area will be quite bare, and you will see some barriers placed on the front desk. The ventilation system has been upgraded and we have ordered HEPA filters for each treatment room as well as large aerosol collecting equipment. These look like “elephant trunks’ as we call them. The staff will be dressed in some different gear, sometimes more than other times depending on the treatment provided.
For those of you that know us well know we love to chat and spend time with our patients, and you can always count on a smile from us. But, for now, this smile will be under our mask as the staff and any patients entering the clinic are required to wear a mask at all times. You will be sent a screening questionnaire to be filled out once before the appointment AND again on the day of the appointment.
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AUTHOR Dr. Shulman | TAGS
bad breath
dental exam
diy tonsil stone removal
tonsil stones
What are Tonsil Stones- and How Do You Get Rid of Them?

Tonsil stones, also called tonsilloliths, are areas of hard yellow-white calcification, located on or within the tonsils. Some people are aware of them but many people don’t even know they have them. They can range in size, and can cause the tonsils to swell or become infected. Patients main concern is that they often give off a bad odor, and cause bad breath.
Your tonsils are made up of crevices, tunnels, and pits called tonsil crypts. Different types of debris, such as dead cells, mucus, saliva, and food, can get trapped in these pockets and build up. Bacteria and fungi feed on this buildup and cause a distinct odor. Overtime the debris hardens. Tonsils stones are more common in patients with poor dental hygiene, large tonsils, chronic sinus issues or tonsillitis. Some symptoms of tonsil stones can include: bad breath, difficulty swallowing, ear or throat pain, ongoing cough, swollen tonsils, or white or yellow debris on the tonsils. Here at Innovation Drive Dental in Vaughan, we have seen many patients who have tonsil stones and if they are
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AUTHOR Dr. Shulman

As with many habits, nail biting can be a hard habit to break. Some kids start this very young and continue into adulthood, and some people start only as an adult. Often it is the consequence of nerves, stress or anxiety. Not only is the habit problematic for the hands and nails it can also pose a problem for the teeth and mouth. Our hands harbour numerous bacteria as we touch things throughout the day…money, handrails, steering wheel, elevator buttons etc. If we are constantly putting our hands in our mouth we are more susceptible to catching viruses and bacterial infections. At innovation Dental in Vaughan we have seen many patients come into the office with worn, chipped or broken teeth from biting their nails. More surprisingly we often find slivers of nails embedded in the gum tissue or damage to the tissues from sharp or jagged nail edges. The habit can also lead to pain in the jaw joint or popping noises… or actually move teeth overtime.
It is best to try to
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AUTHOR Dr. Shulman

Just because someone is athletic and fit does not mean that they are healthy. Healthy is defined in many ways and there are many systems in the body that need to be healthy, including the mouth. Here at Innovation Dental in Woodbridge we see many healthy patients that do not have a healthy mouth. According to a recent study many elite athletes have oral and dental issues. As much as 49% of those studied had untreated tooth decay and 77% had inflamed gums, even though they had very good hygiene habits. Most reported regular brushing and flossing.
What they discovered was that athletes consumed a lot of sugar in the form of sports gels, bars and drinks. Although these products can provide some needed energy during workouts and training, such products often contain up to 35 g of sugar. That is 9 teaspoons! Gatorade contains 21g, Powerade contains 21g, and these can be higher in the gels and some bars. Make sure you check the labels and possibly choose the lower sugar alternatives.
What is more concerning is that the teens and children are starting to consume these products, sometimes it is even their drink of choice. Here at Innovation dental in Vaughan we discuss diet as a big contribution to tooth decay, and the diet contains a lot more than candy. Sports drinks and sweet fancy coffees seem to be the new
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AUTHOR Michelle
Lemon water or apple cider vinegar daily is not bad for your teeth.

Fact is, this is NOT TRUE.
While lemon water and apple cider vinegar may help with gut health, they may have detrimental effects on teeth which are irreversible. The truth is that frequent exposures to acidic foods can erode enamel, making teeth more susceptible to decay over time.
It's also a myth that brushing straight after gets rid of the damage, as it actually makes things worse. Brushing immediately after eating or drinking high-acid foods, may strip enamel that has been softened by acid. So even though a squeeze of lemon or lime can turn a simple glass of water into a fun beverage, it's not always the best choice for your mouth. Make sure to drink plenty of plain water.
BOTTOM LINE: The acid in lemon or apple cider vinegar may weaken dental enamel and lead to loss of minerals that may cause tooth decay. Wait at least half an hour after consuming high acidic foods or drinks, and then start brushing. In the meantime, you can always rinse your mouth with tap water.
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AUTHOR Michelle | TAGS
Bedtime Mouth Taping
Bedtime Tape
Oral Habits
Woodbridge Dentist
Shut your mouth and go to bed!No really… Shut your mouth and go to bed. :) There’s a new health craze and it consists of taping your mouth shut before bed. I know sounds weird, but the health benefits are far too many to ignore. The pay off? It will change your life!
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