AugHow Dental Professionals feel about mask- wearing
AUTHOR Dr. Shulman | TAGS
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wearing a mask
What do Dentists and Dental Professionals think about mask-wearing?
For as long as I can remember Dentists and Dental Hygienists have been wearing masks to work on patients. It is our normal. What is new for us is the type (or level) of masks we are now wearing. As well, we used to remove the mask after each patient and only wear a mask during the treatment, not in the office common area. With the new Covid-19 Pandemic currently going on now we wear a mask at all times while in the office and change the second layer of mask between patients. Some days we work a 12 hour day wearing a mask. We are getting used to this… it is what is. But the public seems to be having an issue with mask-wearing, even for a 20-minute shopping experience. Here are our 2 cents on this as it pertains to dentistry.
- Unless you have a LEGITIMATE health condition that prohibits you from wearing a mask for a 10 minute trip to Walmart or the one-minute walk to the dental chair from their car…Just wear it! It is the policy at Innovation Drive Dental in Woodbridge and everywhere else! Do your part, otherwise, stay home.
- Studies have shown that 50% of people brush their teeth better and more often since wearing a mask as it forces you to smell your own breath….ewe
- We have had less cosmetic dental emergencies since we reopened as patients state they can just “cover up their broken front tooth with their Read more