The average person visits their dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and check-up, and these are appointments you don’t want to miss as we not know there is a connection between your oral health and your overall health. Inflammation in the mouth and inflammation in the body are correlated. When this goes unchecked, this inflammation can show up in the form as heart disease, stroke, and other chronic inflammatory diseases.
Your mouth is a window to your overall health. Nutrition plays a critical role. Very often, when something flares up, loosens, or looks different in your mouth, it is your body’s way of asking for some type of nutrient it doesn’t have enough of.
Vitamin B3: Red and/or swollen tip of tongue with dry smooth edges, general mouth pain.
Vitamin B6: Sore burning mouth, smooth tongue.
Vitamin B12: Bad breath, bright red tongue with fissures, loss of taste, dry mouth, numbness and bleeding.
***Sores at the edge of the mouth may mean you are lacking in Vitamin B2, B3, B6 and B12***
Lack of Vitamin C or A: Bleeding gums, lowered immune response, infections in the mouth (ie. Yeast), impaired taste.
Vitamin D: Softening of teeth, increased bleeding, and yeast infections
Zinc: Loss of sensation in the tongue, loss of taste, dry mouth and susceptibility to gum disease.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet will make you feel better, increase your energy level, is good for your dental health and will make you smile more often!
Contact our office at 905-264-0333 to schedule you appointment in the New Year! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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